About Me

Tom JensonHello everyone. My name is Tom.

I come from a multi-generational Latter-Day Saint (LDS or ‘Mormon’) family, with two brothers and a sister, in addition to my two parents who have been married for thirty-eight years. My upbringing was fairly standard for those of us born into the Church: I attended church each Sunday, was baptized when I was eight years old, received the Aaronic Priesthood when I was twelve, attended early-morning seminary classes before high school each day, and enjoyed the youth social events put on by the Church. I currently have many strong ties to Mormonism, since nearly all of my immediate and extended family, and close friends, are active members of the Church.

After I graduated from High School, my friends all started to prepare and leave on their missions. This is when I took my first step outside of the Mormon framework; I told my family I wasn’t going to go on a mission. This was the hardest thing I had ever had to do. I had also just started dating my future wife, who wasn’t Mormon and never intended to be. Six years later, I married my wife in a civil ceremony, officiated by my childhood Bishop-turned-Stake-President. My attendance to Church was sporadic prior to our wedding, and then non-existant afterward. I grew disillusioned and discussed with the Church’s superficial ‘friendships’ and its increasingly narrow-minded teachings. After 10 years of being ‘less-active’, I wrote an essay entitled, “My Apostasy From The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints”, which contained a detailed analysis of how my values and beliefs conflict with those of the Church. It also contained much of the research I had done on the Church up to that point. I gave this to my close family & friends on Fabruary 6, 2011.

It’s because of my values, and the way in which they clash with the fundamental principles of the Church, that has lead me to research further into its doctrine and history. This opened my eyes to the numerous skeletons hidden in the Church’s closet. It’s harmful doctrine, rewritten history, and ignorance to facts and evidence, have shown me that the Church has been dishonest with its members, and the world. This, in addition to the its political involvement and bigotry, has lead me to conclude that I can no longer associate myself with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have submitted a request to Church headquarters to have my name removed from the records of the Church, effective immediately. I feel that this step is necessary for me to grow beyond the confines of the Church; to ensure that my actions are not seen by others as a representation of Mormons, nor their actions as a reflection of me.

I have enjoyed many of the friendships that were born from my Mormon upbringing, and I have many kind words to say about the members. Some may ask why I couldn’t continue to live quietly on the fringes of Mormonism, and my response would be that I simply cannot support an organization whose power and authority over it’s people would encourage them to follow blindly, without questioning beyond the context of their approved sources, lie, and rewrite history, and claim that their discrimination (even distain) toward others is condoned by God. In my mind, the good that the Church does, in terms of charity and teaching good morals, doesn’t compare to the damage it causes, nor its abuse of power.

I have created this blog as a way for me to share my experience, opinions, and beliefs of life after Mormonism, as I have found that others have helped me this way. I hope to be able to further explore my religious, political, and societal views, and share them with you. I encourage questions, comments, and challenges to anything I write here. It is my opinion that we should all find ourselves in that uneasy state-of-mind, where we challenge our core beliefs, on a much more frequent basis, as this is when we truly learn.


You can read my essay online here, or download it in PDF or ePUB formats.

If you’d care to read my story of where my first seeds of doubt were planted, then read: Life After Death: A Recount of The Worst Day of My Life

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  1. Hi Tom,

    This blog entry is wonderfully personal and I think conveys how truly difficult and painful this must have been. Although we haven’t had much contact over the years (besides good ol’ facebook) I just wanted to say that your thoughtful examination of your worldview is inspiring – we should all be doing this, not just people that are questioning their born-into faith, but everyone in all facets of our lives.

    All the best,


  2. Stephen Barnecut

    Hi Tom,
    I appreciated reading your well researched and considered essay. I admire your courage and integrity, and of course, your effortless avoidance of unhealthy beverages.

  3. Jonathan Hudson

    Hey Tom,

    Tara pointed me in the direction of your blog. Awesome job on the essay as well, it put a lot of things into light that I hadn’t gone and researched but could sense the faultiness in a lot of the church doctrine. My journey away from the church has been a little less severe, stemming from being gay and the church’s obvious stand on it. My research into church history was more into gays and the gospel… a few interesting finds about prominent and semi prominent church leaders who had questionable sexual orientation… the biggest being John C Bennet who was supposedly known to have had homosexual relations and Joseph Smith was pretty liberal about it… allegedly anyways…
    anyway, keep it up. leaving the church was one of the best decisions i’ve ever made, i’ve never been more happy or loved life and myself more.

    • ahh, Dr. John C. Bennett. There are also many reports of him performing abortions for Joseph Smith’s many wives prior to the open practice of polygamy – something I intend to look into further.
      I’m so glad to hear that you are being true to yourself, and living your life free of the condemnation the Church puts on those who don’t fit their mold. I would love to hear more about your journey, so please email me if you’re so inclined. (I’ll send you an email).

  4. Stephen J. Kerr

    Strength to live life for yourself…shouldn’t hafta be a commendable action…nor one of challenge and conflict… but this is the world we know. I admire your courage to be true to yourself.

  5. Hello,
    I m send my latter of resignation but I did not get any confirmation. I called them , they said that my name was remove . I should get a letter ? I should demand one ? .. they told me that they dont have too– just wondering .. I just want to be sure that I m not register anymore 🙂

  6. Whst you said about the LDS religion can be said of all religions, Christian and non Christian.
    Read blogs from people who left Evangelicalism and Catholicism…….sounds just like Mormons who left the LDS religion.

    Every person has to do what makes them happy as long as they don’t hurt other people
    ( like commit murder, lie, steal, do people wrong in general, and so forth).

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